Monday, March 3, 2008

Oh Boy!

I never realized how fun and unpredictable being a Mommy to boys would be. I knew I would love being Mommy, but there are things that you just don't know about until you actually have a preschooler and a toddler ruling your home. For example, I never would have imagined that two little boys could be so thoughtful. Isaac is so happy when he can make Ethan stop crying and start laughing. It is such a pleasure to sit and watch the two of them playing at the train table together. Ethan, also, seems genuinely concerned if Isaac starts to cry. They have already, at the tender ages of 3 and 1, formed a bond of brotherhood that I can only hope will grow deeper and more meaningful as time goes by. My house is overrun with Thomas engines, cars, blocks, and trucks, and I couldn't be happier! I am so blessed, and I thank God every day for these precious gifts He has entrusted me with.

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