Friday, August 8, 2008

Summer is Drawing to a Close

I can't believe summer is almost over. This summer has been so much fun. I wish I had some pictures to post, but our camera was broken at the beginning of June and I am really hoping we can get a new one soon. I met a neighbor family last weekend. They have two adopted children and were having a garage sale to raise money to bring home the older brother of their little boy. We bought a toddler bed for Ethan, a wireless keyboard, and a wireless mouse from them. I really hope they are able to bring their little boy home.

Isaac and Ethan are their usual goofball selves. I love that my little guys have so much fun together! Isaac and I baked bread today, and I made a tent in the living room for the boys to play in since it was raining outside. They loved it!

We are planning Isaac's birthday party. It seems impossible that he will be turning 4 next month, but he is. Where has the time gone? I am so proud of him. One of his little friends from church had an appointment today to have surgery on his eardrum. He had tubes in his ears and they stayed in too long and cause a huge hole in his eardrum. This morning Isaac and I sat down and said a prayer for his friend. Later I got an email that said the little boy ended up not needing the surgery after all because the eardrum was completely healed! Praise God! The doctor reportedly even pointed up and said "He did this". God is so amazing!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Happy Father's Day

Tomorrow is Father's Day, and I am definitely a Daddy's little girl. I have always looked up to my dad because he is a man who has worked hard all of his life to provide the best he could for his family. He expected a lot from me growing up, and I am thankful for that. It was never a question in my mind that when I graduated from high school I would go to college and get a degree. That may seem normal enough, except that I was the first person in my entire family to ever graduate college with a Bachelor's degree. I learned from my dad that you have to go for what you want in life. You have to work for success. You can't just sit back and wait for good things to happen to you. He also taught me to trust in God and seek Him and His will for my life. He taught me that no matter what I do in life - no matter what mistakes I make - God will always love me, and He will forgive me and hold me in His arms and comfort me when I need to be comforted. My dad taught me that you have to stand up for what is right and that you have to face the consequences of the mistakes that you make. He taught me that you should always be thankful for what you have because there are a lot of people in the world with a lot less. He also taught me that no gain is worth sacrificing your integrity. Thank you, Dad, for molding me into the woman that I am today. I will always be grateful. I love you.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mother's Day 2008

I woke up this morning to my two precious boys and my wonderful husband bringing me homemade Mother's Day cards and hugs. It was so heartwarming to hear my 3 year old say "Happy Mother's Day Mommy" over and over again. Kevin made a delicious breakfast of french toast for me, and then we got ready and went to church. Isaac sat with us for part of the service, and every time Mother's Day was mentioned, he turned to me and said "Happy Mother's Day Mommy" and gave me a hug. It was so precious! He was getting restless though, so Kevin brought him to the nursery before the preacher started the sermon. After church we had lunch, I got to take a nap, and then we went to my mom's house. Michael and Jennifer fixed steak and baked potatoes for everyone, and we all had a great time talking and eating. Isaac attempted to write his first word, too. POP. His "P"s came out looking like "T"s, but it was a good first try, and he knew what he wanted to write and how to spell it. I am so proud of him! It was a beautiful Mother's Day, and I will treasure the memories I made today. I am so blessed.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Growing Up SO Fast!

Ethan is growing up so fast! We were playing outside today and he climbed all the way up the ladder on the swingset by himself! I was in shock! I can't believe my baby is getting so big. Isaac is growing up fast too. Tonight as I was tucking him in, we had a conversation about God. I was trying to explain to him that when he prays, he is talking to God and that he can tell God anything. He told me that God is up in the sky. Then he said "God is going to come to our house". I explained to him that God loves him so much. Then he said his prayer. He is so sweet. I am so thankful for my children. They truly are the sunshine to every day. I am so blessed.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Ethan's First Haircut

We took both of the boys to get haircuts today. For Ethan, it was his first haircutting experience. He took it all in stride, and was actually very good. We didn't have a lot cut off. I mainly wanted to trim the ends and make it a little cooler for the summer. I was so sad to see his little blond curls go! They were so adorable! Here are some before and after pictures.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Reflections on my Childhood

An online course on managing time and stress has encouraged me to take a look at my own childhood. I have been resurrecting my childhood dreams. At one time or another, I wanted to be an astronaut, an actress, a writer, a veterinarian, a lawyer, a pediatrician, and a teacher (which is what I am today). I also always knew I wanted to be a mother. I guess in the back of my mind, I always envisioned staying home with my children, but I have not had the luxury of being able to do that. I still dream of homeschooling my kids, and I hope that the dream becomes a reality. I am trying to decipher my own dreams from those ideas that were put into my head by others - you know, those that tell you what you should do or should want. I have always been a people pleaser, and while that is not always a bad thing, it does sometimes keep me from opportunities for what I want. I want to raise my children to understand that while it is important to take the feelings of others into consideration, it is never okay to sacrifice who you are and what you believe in and desire for yourself.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008


We took the boys on their first camping trip over spring break. We went to Lake DeGray in Arkansas. We did some fishing, hiking, and a lot of relaxing around the campfire. It was a really great introduction to camping for them, and they both seemed to enjoy it. We are looking into making another trip before it gets too hot, but the mosquitos are already getting bad. Isaac enjoyed the fishing for a little while, but then he decided "There are no fish here!" and started collecting shells instead. It turns out he must have been right, because no one caught anything the whole trip! Ethan loved playing with the rocks. He ended up with a little blood blister on his finger because he fell while holding a rock in his hand. Both of the boys had their first taste of toasted marshmallow - yummy! Here is a link to the pictures. The password is camping.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Oh Boy!

I never realized how fun and unpredictable being a Mommy to boys would be. I knew I would love being Mommy, but there are things that you just don't know about until you actually have a preschooler and a toddler ruling your home. For example, I never would have imagined that two little boys could be so thoughtful. Isaac is so happy when he can make Ethan stop crying and start laughing. It is such a pleasure to sit and watch the two of them playing at the train table together. Ethan, also, seems genuinely concerned if Isaac starts to cry. They have already, at the tender ages of 3 and 1, formed a bond of brotherhood that I can only hope will grow deeper and more meaningful as time goes by. My house is overrun with Thomas engines, cars, blocks, and trucks, and I couldn't be happier! I am so blessed, and I thank God every day for these precious gifts He has entrusted me with.