Tuesday, March 25, 2008


We took the boys on their first camping trip over spring break. We went to Lake DeGray in Arkansas. We did some fishing, hiking, and a lot of relaxing around the campfire. It was a really great introduction to camping for them, and they both seemed to enjoy it. We are looking into making another trip before it gets too hot, but the mosquitos are already getting bad. Isaac enjoyed the fishing for a little while, but then he decided "There are no fish here!" and started collecting shells instead. It turns out he must have been right, because no one caught anything the whole trip! Ethan loved playing with the rocks. He ended up with a little blood blister on his finger because he fell while holding a rock in his hand. Both of the boys had their first taste of toasted marshmallow - yummy! Here is a link to the pictures. The password is camping.

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