I can't believe summer is almost over. This summer has been so much fun. I wish I had some pictures to post, but our camera was broken at the beginning of June and I am really hoping we can get a new one soon. I met a neighbor family last weekend. They have two adopted children and were having a garage sale to raise money to bring home the older brother of their little boy. We bought a toddler bed for Ethan, a wireless keyboard, and a wireless mouse from them. I really hope they are able to bring their little boy home.
Isaac and Ethan are their usual goofball selves. I love that my little guys have so much fun together! Isaac and I baked bread today, and I made a tent in the living room for the boys to play in since it was raining outside. They loved it!
We are planning Isaac's birthday party. It seems impossible that he will be turning 4 next month, but he is. Where has the time gone? I am so proud of him. One of his little friends from church had an appointment today to have surgery on his eardrum. He had tubes in his ears and they stayed in too long and cause a huge hole in his eardrum. This morning Isaac and I sat down and said a prayer for his friend. Later I got an email that said the little boy ended up not needing the surgery after all because the eardrum was completely healed! Praise God! The doctor reportedly even pointed up and said "He did this". God is so amazing!